
Our service designers are here to help you learn to build your own forms and point you to our guidance and resources.

Service design expertise

The service designers in the team have extensive public sector experience and have spent the last three years refining the customer experience and patterns that underpin our digital service.

These improvements are fuelled by customer interviews, feedback from hundreds of users, platform analytics and implementing accessibility and usability standards.

Our service designers can assess your service to understand whether our tool and patterns are well suited.


If you’d like assistance in applying our patterns to your service and using the tool, our service designers are happy to schedule a co-building session where you can both work on the form at the same time.

Our team will likely need to understand the process as it is now and can then make recommendations. We strongly suggest that subject matter experts and decision makers from your organisation take part in the session or sessions to make good progress.

Guidance and how-to videos

The support resources have been created in response to questions from those trying FormBuilder and those exploring how the product works and whether it meets the needs of their organisation.

We have made these resources available on a SharePoint site along with a message board which you’ll be able to access.

The how-to videos cover a wide range of topics from creating a new form to using conditional logic and our pre-built components.

Drop-in sessions

Each fortnight the team will host a drop-in session for builders to join as needed and ask questions or work through a problem together. Topics previously covered have included conditional logic, templates and copying versus creating a new form.


If you need help with FormBuilder you can post your question on the FormBuilder message board or email We’re happy to set up time to work one on one to support you and answer questions.