Service maintenance and ongoing support

Learn more about what to expect after your forms have been published.

How we’ll keep you informed

We’ll notify you of new features, enhancements and services with our regular release note sent by email and posted to the website.

Release notes

When we have something big to announce, like an extension of our product offering, we will let you know via our quarterly email updates.

If there is a planned or unplanned service outage that affects you or your end users, we’ll tell you on the Business Connect website and by email. To read more about outages and system availability see Technical specifications.

Technical specifications

Maintaining your service

As part of this service, the Business Connect team will:

  • maintain adequate platform licensing to meet your requirements
  • triage, prioritise and resolve any identified defects in your form or the Business Connect platform,
  • maintain the security certification of FormBuilder and Business Connect.


Your organisation will act as frontline support to your customers. The Business Connect service desk will be available to help with technical issues. If your end users have trouble, we’re here to support your staff.

Prioritisation of technical issues

The impact and level of urgency of a technical issue identified on Business Connect is assessed and prioritised to help gauge the response level.  

Below are examples of tiers 1-4:

  • P1 Critical – Core Business Connect services are unavailable, causing a direct impact on all aspects of services and must be restored immediately.
  • P2 High – The case management portal is unavailable or degraded, impacting a large group of users, and must be restored within hours to minimise the direct impact on all aspects of the services.  
  • P3 Medium – An incident impacting a small group of users.
  • P4 Low – A single user incident. 

Ongoing responsibilities

Both parties have ongoing responsibilities for supporting your service.

You’ll need to:

  • provide frontline customer support
  • train any new staff on the process once it is live
  • answer end users’ questions on your service
  • keep your website up to date to help customers find your service. 

We will:

  • provide technical support
  • support your staff.

Reach out to our dedicated support team via email for assistance at