Week notes

These weekly posts are designed to give some insight into what is happening inside the Business Connect team and allow us to share what we’re learning and achieving.

June 2024

5 July – Planning our work for winter

Far from going into hibernation, the team agreed some ambitious objectives at our quarterly planning session this week.

Our planning runs for two hours and is quite high level. We discuss and agree our objectives, key results and potential big rocks. This gives each squad licence to work on the most important things to achieve these outcomes and more detailed planning can come at that squad level.  

We look back to move forward and it was interesting to notice which things we hadn’t achieved over the last three months. What did we choose to spend our time on instead? Are we prioritising our agreed goals enough? How often are we talking about progress?

My big takeaway from the last quarter was that we need about 10 leads from government teams for every form published. This means we must generate far greater awareness of what we can offer to help grow the use of FormBuilder.

Alongside increasing awareness, our overriding goal for this next quarter is testing our simplified builder – created from what we’ve learned with FormBuilder to date. We’re keen to move toward allowing government people to self-serve to create their digital services. This is the next step in that process.

If anyone reading wants to take a look, build a form and give us feedback then please get in touch!

Shelley, Product Manager

Previous months

Last updated: 11 July 2024