Week notes

These weekly posts are designed to give some insight into what is happening inside the Business Connect team and allow us to share what we’re learning and achieving.

April 2024

26 April – Listening out for opportunities

I regularly meet with service teams who want to know more about FormBuilder to help them figure out if it’s the right tool for them. I hear the same 2 questions over and over again:

  1. Can FormBuilder be used for citizen-facing forms?
  2. Is there an option to provide forms that don’t sit behind a log in?

Our conversations with teams across government suggest there’s a real need for help in government service delivery for citizen-facing services. Our restriction to business-facing services is often a barrier to councils and agencies using FormBuilder as they’d prefer something that can serve all their customers.   

While we’re not yet able to widen the net to citizen-facing forms, we do have a more exciting answer for the second question. Soon, we’ll be launching a new way of hosting government forms ‘as a link’ on the council/agency’s website.

The form will open in a new browser tab, ready to be completed, without the user having to log in. We anticipate this feature opening up FormBuilder to be used for more government services and form types.

As a team, we have some ideas of what types of forms will be fit for purpose ‘as a link’, e.g., surveys and complaints. We also have a long list of service teams we’ve spoken to who have told us about the types of forms they are looking to deliver. Last week I sat down and tallied up the most popular form requests. It was really helpful to have a visual representation of this to more easily measure areas of interest.

One surprising example of a commonly requested form type is surveys with an educational purpose. We’ve had 4 service teams from different central agencies communicate the need for surveys that provide the users with insights, suggested actions or a score depending on how they answered.

We’ll be keeping our ears open for other ideas from government teams on how a ‘form as a link’ could be used.

Chloe, Senior Advisor

19 April – Problem solving is a team sport

This week I watched the team do a piece of problem solving on my behalf and was blown away by the speed of the response.

Last week I asked them to find more than one simple solution to the following problem we are encountering with a service. The challenge was “how might we avoid a business having to re-enter some key information?”

Our team principles push us toward building things that are generic and reusable. With this in the mind the team took as wide a frame as possible when it came to brainstorming solutions.

This week I sat down to review the 3 options they had agreed to put forward. They were laid out clearly and the benefits in taking a multi-disciplinary approach to create and assess them were obvious.

For me, being able to respond to a client agency within a week and a half of this question being raised helps keep momentum up and show that we move quickly. We don’t sit on things while we try and get them perfect, we take our ideas and test them.

Shelley, Product Manager

12 April – Bring on the forms, let’s build!

This week in a meeting I introduced myself as a service designer and that got me thinking about how much my role has changed within the team.

For the last 7 or so months I’ve been working as an Advisor on FormBuilder.govt. That means I’ve been building forms, applying our patterns, working with agencies and councils and have delivered multiple services.

That feels kind of amazing and I’m so happy that the work I’m doing is making businesses interactions with government easier. But what really makes me happy is how much I’ve learnt over the last 7 months.

I came into the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment with roughly 12 years of customer service under my belt ready to take on something new and learn as much as I can. Now I work within the Service Design space and I’m loving it. I’m being mentored by experienced colleagues and I feel like I’m quickly becoming an expert with FormBuilder. I get a kick out of discovering new and quicker ways to do a build every time a form comes across my desk.

Josh – Advisor, FormBuilder.govt 

5 April – New quarter, new objectives!

This week the whole team got together for quarterly planning. I always feel that towards the end of the quarter we’re slightly diverging from each other onto different tracks and the session feels like it’s just in time to get us all back on the same page.

We worked in groups to create our next set of objectives across 4 different work areas. Our FormBuilder product, growth and marketing, service delivery and operations.

We’re still in that phase where we need to balance moving the product forward based on what we’ve learned and publishing new digital services on behalf of government service teams.

Where we’ve landed for April to July is that we’ll provide more hands-on support for government builders using FormBuilder to help them publish services. We’ll also work to provide a demo version of FormBuilder that will have 2 main benefits.

Firstly, it gives people in government a look at the builder without it being behind a login. This means less work for our team and more people get to play with the tool.

Secondly, we can start to get feedback quickly on a simpler builder with only the most useful features and a more intuitive user interface.

The other big focus for the quarter will be our new option for hosting forms. Our sole hosting option until now has been the Business Connect platform, a one-stop-shop for NZ businesses. In this quarter we’re looking forward to our first form published ‘as-a-link’. This means the end user can access the form without needing to log in. The form will pop up in a new browser, ready to be completed.

I hope this feature will mean more teams can use FormBuilder for their services, we’re looking forward to seeing what new opportunities this creates. We’ll have an update at the next FormBuilder webinar on 24th April.

Register on the homepage and we’ll see you there.

Shelley, Product Manager

Previous months

Last updated: 24 April 2024