Publish your forms

Forms created with FormBuilder can be published on the Business Connect platform or you can give customers access without the need to log in by publishing the form as a link.

We've built the platform so you don't have to

Business Connect is the online platform where businesses can manage licences and permits from across government in one place.

Better customer experience

Business Connect reduces the time businesses spend dealing with government by: 

  • gathering more complete, more consistent information up front
  • providing a range of forms in one place
  • providing transparent process updates once forms are submitted
  • allowing communication back and forth with the customer
  • offering reminders for licences and permits expiring
  • saving submitted information for fully pre-populated renewals.

Hosting forms on Business Connect has benefits for government agencies and councils: 

  • it’s free
  • save the time, expense and headache of designing, building and maintaining your own online platform
  • analytics on customer experience, form friction and completion rates.

Business Connect is best for multi-step processes that require some authentication, uploads and a review and approval stage. It allows customers to save their progress and return later for those forms that might need information that they don’t have to hand. 

Publishing your ‘form as a link’

For simple forms that don’t need people to authenticate, we can host your form outside a login and let them get straight to it.

Single-step, simple forms

A link on your website will open the form in a new browser window. This option is also fully funded and is perfect for simple one-way information flows like expressions of interest, feedback or notifications.  

‘Form as a link’ has many benefits like:

  • providing a seamless customer journey to the form 
  • no unnecessary barriers like RealMe and account creation to completing the form
  • gathering more complete, more consistent information up front 

If you choose to publish your ‘form as a link’ you are only able to receive submissions as an attachment to an email.